Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My new hair blog :)

Not sure how many of you know
this but i FINALLY graduated from beauty school wahoo!!!

I started the fall of 2007
took that next summer off to go home and make some money, thinking
i would go back down to provo to finish that next fall.. but some plans changed and i moved to L.A. for a year or so
to nanny and also help my sister and brother- in-law out with my nephew Jackson while Nicole worked as a nurse
in the ER & Steven went to dental school at USC

I moved back to good ole Idaho (dont ask me why, cause i honstly dont know why i miss cali like CRAZY)

now i'm just waiting to take my boards in boise and i pretty much know where i'm going to work if all goes as planned.. and
i'm not goign to tell you yet :)
i finally put together a bunch of my Before and After pictures of my work
and posted on my Hair blog: http://jennaegbertcuts.blogspot.com/

So come follow me there ALSO!


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